Platform: Windows
Link: Download DEMO-Version (Use free for 30 days)
Price: 39,99 €
Platform: Mac OS
Link to iTunes Store
Best Practice: Program Use
To add courses to the program, open the tab "Courses" –> "Journal". Click the button "Course".
In the opened pane on the tab "General", fill in the required fields about a new course. "Events" should be added to the course. You should specify the premises where each of the events will take place.
Note: premises can be specified in the section "Settings" –> "Courses" –> "Room".
After the courses are added to the program, you can see the timetable of the courses on the tab "Hall reservation" according to the days and premises occupied.
To add participants of the course, open the tab of your course "YOUR Course" –> "Participant". Click the button "New participant". In the opened pane, fill in the required fields about the new participant. The participant does not need to be a member of this society.
You need to enter data about the course cost. The course payment can be executed in two mutually exclusive ways:
- payment for one event. To create a bill, select the required "Event" and click the button "Calculate event cost". The bill will appear on the tab "Bill" –> "Bills";
- payment for the whole course. If you select this kind of payment, information for the bill to be issued will appear on the tab "Bill" –> "Available".